
“My story in Halle” workshop, organized by DaMigra, included women from diverse nationalities. The group photographed the city alongside different routes whilst sharing common topics and the journeys taking them to Halle. Remind the ‘Nearby’ is thankful to all these women for giving their consent to display their work on this website and for sharing their stories.

DaMigra e. V. and GemeinsamMUTig
DaMigra is an umbrella association of migrant women organizations representing almost 70 migrant organizations across Germany. Since 2014 it has been operating as an independent, women-specific umbrella association. Its central goal is empowerment, which includes the equal and widespread participation of migrant and refugee women in social life in Germany. It is committed to an anti-racist and intersectional vision and works to fight racism, sexism, social inequality, and all forms of discrimination.
GemeinsamMUTig project encourages woman with a history of flight and migration experiences to lead a self-determined life. Its focus is to accompany and support women for better social participation, and equal opportunities at the labor market.
‘Re-mind the Nearby' wishes to thank DaMigra e. V. and GemeinsamMUTig for their openness and trust throughout the project.

Halle’s City Museum
The Museum is the first address for Halle's city history. Under the roof of the Stadtmuseum permanent and special exhibitions combine two buildings and different eras displaying current and historical topics. It also includes the Red Tower, the Leipzig Tower and the Giebichenstein Castle.
‘Re-mind the Nearby' is grateful to the City Museum and its member of staff for their support during the project and the access to its archive.
Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Social Anthropology and others
Re-Mind the Nearby is grateful to all the staff members at the MPI who generously provided their support throughout the project in different shapes and forms: Carlo Diesterberck-Roll, Christian Kieser, Jutta Turner, Brenda Black, Angélica Cocoma, and Xinyan Luan. Special thanks also go to Anna Marie Hünnes, Forschungskolleg Transkulturelle Studien, Erfurt University, and Stefan Arnold, Arnold Desig.